How would you describe your last vacation? Did you have fun? Did you have some entertainment? Was there some relaxing time also or did your last vacation consist of you toting your family around, doing some work around the yard and other household chores? Was your last "vacation" actually a "staycation"? Why not go for something out of the ordinary this year? When you have a little bit of time off, why not try out one of the many adventure travels available in your hometown. Even if you don't want to leave your state, there are many adventures you can try out. If you are just dying to spend your money, why not pamper yourself with a true adventure? These are some adventure travels that are quite favorable.
Palawan is a must if you want to relax.
If you enjoy being outside and using your survival skills to live off the land, why not try an Australian Walkabout? These have increased in popularity, especially since one of the main characters on the TV show Lost tried one out. The whole idea of an Australian Walkabout is for you and your fellow adventuring friends go out into the Australian Outback with a guide. When you go on a walkabout, you are living off the land in its entirety. You hunt for and gather your own food, make your own shelter from any materials you can find and experience the "elements" that could come your way (weather, animals, etc). It can be described as extreme camping and can be very satisfying. Do you enjoy sightseeing? Do you get a thrill from exploring sites you have only read about in books? Why not partake on a sightseeing adventure travels tour of a place your have only fantasized about visiting? Popular destinations include Greece, Rome, Ireland and Scotland, Africa, China and Tibet. Obviously there are sightseeing tours in just about every country in the world, so just decide where you want to go and sign up for a touring trip! Allow someone to guide you through your chosen country's culture and history.
Try out a Llama Trek! Anybody can do some horseback riding. If you want some fun adventure travels without having to leave the country, check out the Hurricane Creek Llama Treks in Oregon. During these treks, you camp outdoors and you are responsible for bringing your own equipment (and setting it up/taking it down) and packing and unpacking your llama bags. These treks are fun because they let you choose between riding the llamas or walking and leading the llamas along with you. How many other times in your life will you be able to ride llamas? The point of adventure travels is to get people outside of their comfort zones. They help you to experience sides of your personality that you usually like to hide. Are you tired of sitting on your couch and daydreaming about what life is like in other parts of the world? Have you always yearned to scale a mountain, swim with dolphins for camp out in the great outdoors of Australia or New Zealand? These are all available to you. Simply choose what kind of adventure you want and then go out and have it. It's not as complicated as my think it is.